Friday, February 2, 2007

PAIN HURTS: Project Introduction

Welcome to my effort to document the initial stages of a new project about which I am very excited. This is nothing new as, although more selective in my venerable age, once having decided to launch a new project, I am nearly always delighted. What is new is my electing to ascertain others' potential excitement and delight in advance and throughout this project's development by utilizing an interactive electronic forum, the blog, a new endeavor for me.

As I will share with you in notes about my background, I have edited and written several books that relate to various aspects of pain and its management as part of a larger body research, scholarly and pop publications. Thinking back to their respective gestations, I can honestly say that, for the most part, each of these projects was important. Admittedly, from one point of view each work comprises just one among a range of variously useful books within an increasingly topical and thus "popular" area of interest. Nevertheless, viewed through a "retrospectoscope" that considers their temporal context, each was regarded as a meaningful contribution at the time and so, constitute, from my viewpoint, books that needed writing. Would that it were about more books! Despite my joy in the craft, I have resisted repetition and volume for their own sake both out of respect for the beleagured reader and an increasing recognition of the value of my own time.

Finally, though, after a few fallow years and some very dearly bought perspective I am poised to introduce the present project which I anticipate will be as important as any work I've ever taken on.
So in conclusion, I freely extend a warm invitation for you to join me in what I anticipate to be an exciting voyage of exploration and creation: the development of a new project:

PAIN HURTS: Treating Chronic Pain Safely with Narcotics A Consumers’ Guide to the Perils of Today’s Medical Management of Pain

I am hopeful you will give my invitation strong consideration and that together we can accomplish something important for today's pain patients for whom meaningful fresh resources are so important.

Richard B. Patt, M.D.

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